Thursday, April 20, 2017

PROLOGUE - April 24, 2017

since Linda’s retirement in February 2016 from 42 years of nursing, we have been on the move.  First a 9-week backpacking trip to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos; followed by a trip across Canada in our 5th. wheel, then as the cold weather approached we headed to the sun of the southern USA.

We’ve been back home in Grand Forks for a month, selling off our household ‘stuff’ in the storage unit so that we can full-time RV.  At the end of May, we head to Vancouver for the wedding of good friends Anne and Jeff, and a fund-raiser to off-set the expenses of Anne’s daughter Jessi and her open-water swim of the English Channel this summer.

In June we head to Europe for five months.  While we have no relatives that we know of there, the plan is to visit some places where family lived.  Paul’s ancestors hail from Norway, Denmark and Sweden.  Linda’s father was born in Italy and he mother’s third-generation ancestors were from Ireland and Scotland. 

Linda’s only sibling (brother Mark) retired in March 2017.  Mark and his wife Carol will drag themselves away from their infant grandson (daughter Maria & son-in-law Matt) to join us in Italy for September.

This blog is intended for friends and family to track our travels and for us so that we can stay in touch with you.  Put your e-mail in the blog to receive new posts.  We look forward to having ‘conversation’ with you via the comments section.


  1. This is a great idea! Much prefer this venue over FB. Leda's technically on FB but rarely opens it. Sounds like you are having great fun, and quite possibly it will be motivationally inspiring to to others! Carpe Diem! Best of luck!

  2. Great idea having a blog. Enjoy your travels! Cheers Charon

  3. This blog is a good idea. Looking forward to following you on your journey.

  4. great idea and love the leisurely feel to it!


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