Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sali, Dugi Otok, Croatia

We booked seven days here for some R&R from travel.  Getting sick and spending much of our time here in bed in our A/C room wasn't my R&R plan ... but there you go.

It's quite hot and humid here (40 degrees).  Even the locals are complaining.  A dip in the cool, clear sea is in order.

For entertainment, we head downtown around 4 for a cocktail and watch the boats come in.  Every day the harbour fills up with boats big and small from all over Europe and even the USA.  Four wharfingers on one side and a couple on the other shout commands to incoming pilots and to each other and somehow turn chaos into order.  Its a circus.

The view from the breakfast balcony at our hotel:

A small chapel on the seawall:

We walk by this a couple of times before noticing it:

The way down to the sea is jagged and rocky.  
Once past the rocks, the clear, blue Adriatic drops off swiftly.

Looking down island

Day 5 on the island and I can finally drag myself to the sea.  
Paul found this great platform for two that someone built.

On the way back to our room we stop to order a special dish for dinner called Peka.  It takes several hours to cook it.  We are told to return at 8 PM.

Lamb and potatoes are drizzled with olive oil; fresh herbs are added, then the pan is covered with this bell-shaped lid.  The lid is filled with hot coals and the resulting dish is mouth-watering and tender.  It can be done with chicken, veal or octopus too.

There was a party on our beach last night, but it only lasted a couple of hours, mostly attended by youth.  We watched from the balcony for a bit, then to bed.  Rooms, windows and doors in this country are incredibly well-built and soundproof.  The music doesn't reach us. 

We meet Vince from LA, who married a woman who grew up here and says we must rent a motorbike and go to these other beaches.  We also want to explore Dugi a bit more.  Dugi means long (as in 50 km) and Otok means island.  
So we reserve a scooter for our last day.

Random photos from Dugi

In Zadar, we saw this very unusual looking boat.  Then here in Sali, we spot it again.  Paul looks it up on the web.  It's designed and made in Croatia.  Its very energy efficient (solar panels all over it) and it has a built-in tender.  

Scooter gets cancelled.  We think I have food poisoning on top of everything very sick.

Tomorrow a 6:15 ferry back to Zadar...a 2 hr wait, then a 6 hr bus ride.  
Hoping to find a pharmacy in Zadar.

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