Thursday, October 19, 2017

Day 5 Cycling

A brief sail this morning, then on the bikes at 9:15.

Our first stop is to see the Archimedes screws which have replaced some of the windmills used to drain the polders at Kinderdijk in the Netherlands.

We cycle past 19 windmills.  In this area, there used to be 1,200 of them.

Adult size floating basket ... no idea!

The lovely path for cycling.  Nicely pruned trees.

One of many beautiful thatched roofs.  The windmills also had thatched roofs.

A different style/shape of a windmill:

The city gates to Schoonhoven, built-in 1350:

Flowers on a canal:

Fantastic cheese shop with lots of free samples outside and inside:

Gouda packaged and ready for gift-giving:

This shop or museum is closed.  Looks like antique movie equipment and jukeboxes:

Lovely shutters and overall design:

The Dutch seem expert at espalier.  Different shapes and it looks like different types of trees:

Today was a bit chaotic with Jack having to ride back a long distance to fetch one couple who misunderstood directions ... and the rest of us finding our own way; then a crash; then someone overtired so finding a shortcut back.

Boat moored in Vianen

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